
Announcing our new practice area: Third-party neutral Mediation

We are happy to announce that we have launched a new Practice Area focused on Mediation. Our experience in alternative dispute resolution, coupled with ever increasing industry demand, has helped position us to offer mediation services as a third-party neutral.

“Our approach is reflective of our deep commitment to impartiality, respect and successful outcomes for both parties,” said Managing Partner Eric Gillett.

December 9th, 2022|News|

A Three-Legged Stool — Balancing Strategies for Mediation: The ABC’s For Successful Mediations

by Eric Gillett, from the King County Bar Association’s BAR Bulletin

When I began my litigation practice more than 35 years ago, mediation of tort claims was in its infancy. And because I began my practice in Anchorage, Alaska, it was almost embryonic. Private mediators did not yet exist. Instead, we brought our disputes before the judge who was assigned to try the case. I recall more than a few instances where the judge advised one party or the other that if they did not get “on board” with settlement, they should remember that the same judge would be ruling on their pre-trial motions and the evidence during trial. That felt like a threat, probably was, and sometimes it worked...

November 1st, 2022|News|

In remembrance: William Fitzharris

Bill Fitzharris (William Edward Fitzharris, Jr.), known to his friends as “Fitz,” was a skilled attorney and trusted mentor to younger colleagues in the Preg O'Donnell & Gillett office. His kind heart and soft manner helped many times to give attorneys a better perspective on an otherwise stressful legal conundrum. He acted as an arbitrator of legal disputes between lawyers and clients. He also had the role as the firm’s ethics attorney, a position he held until his death.

October 3rd, 2022|News|

Getting to Maybe, or Being Willing to be Willing During Mediation

by Eric Gillett, from the King County Bar Association’s BAR Bulletin

We are now well past the two-year anniversary when civil litigation turned upside down. Our courts came to a standstill. Pending trials were immediately continued and those underway were either quickly concluded or stopped midstream and held in abeyance for several months while our judges attempted to find a way to move forward, however awkwardly.

Mediations, like trials, which had been conducted in person almost exclusively, were shot into a virtual world almost overnight without much to guide us. Thankfully, at the same time the world seemed to close its doors, technology opened a new one, Zoom...

October 1st, 2022|News|

Preg O’Donnell is excited to announce new hires in both Seattle and Portland

Please help us in welcoming two new hires, Naomi Ahsan in Seattle and Evan Aronson in Portland to the Preg O’Donnell & Gillett family.

Naomi went to law school in Washington D.C., where she interned at the United States Supreme Court and worked as a summer associate in the Commercial Litigation Branch of the U.S. […]

January 26th, 2022|News|

Preg O’Donnell’s first summary judgment win of 2022 based on the statute of limitations!

Lori O’Tool and Michael Slater, Jr. successfully obtained the complete dismissal of claims brought against their client on summary judgment. Our client, one of the largest producers of concrete, aggregates, and asphalt in the Northwest was sued in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington as a result of personal injuries sustained […]

January 21st, 2022|News|

Another Summary Judgment win for team POG

Attorneys Bennett Hansen and Dan Rankin obtained a summary judgment dismissal of all claims against their client (a homeowners association) in a high-value personal injury lawsuit in King County Superior Court. Plaintiffs sought $6 million in compensation for personal injuries sustained while trying to escape a condominium fire for which the cause was undeterminable. […]

December 30th, 2021|News|

Laurel Darby Joins Portland Office

The partners of Preg, O’Donnell & Gillett are pleased to announce that Laurel Darby has returned to our Portland office as an associate attorney. Laurel has been practicing as an attorney since 2015. She brings a wide range of experiences practicing in both Missouri and Oregon over the past six years. Laurel’s practice focuses […]

March 3rd, 2021|News|

Brian Driscoll Joins Portland Office

The partners of Preg, O’Donnell & Gillett are pleased to announce that attorney Brian Driscoll has joined our Portland office as an Of Counsel attorney. Brian brings 20 years of insurance defense litigation experience to the Portland office. Brian has received favorable jury verdicts for his clients in Oregon, Washington, and Connecticut with ten […]

January 30th, 2020|News|

Preg O’Donnell & Gillett Collects Coats for Those in Need

Preg O’Donnell & Gillett participated in the 2019 Annual Golden Coat Drive through The Defense Research Institute (DRI).   POG employees donated 35 coats along with winter accessories such as gloves and scarves.   These items will be given to local shelters, elder care centers, veterans’ centers and women’s centers.   Collecting coats saves lives, as the […]

December 23rd, 2019|News|